
Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy is just that!  An opportunity to be one-on-one with a counselor who "gets" you and where you are coming from.  Your counselor isn't your friend or family member who has an agenda when giving you suggestions.   Your counselor is an unbiased individual who can listen and help you process your concerns.  You can share your thoughts and struggles free of judgement and work with the counselor to make positive change.  Unsure of the direction to go in?  Your counselor will work side-by-side with you to identify options, choices, and offer feedback along the way.  Is this confidential?  In most cases what you share in therapy is kept between you and the therapist.  Your therapist will share the times when this will be different.  This is a safe, comfortable, inviting space to work with someone who cares and is on your side.  Telehealth services are available.


Couples' Therapy

Sarah works with couples to assist them in the process of getting them back on track.  She utilizes a variety of methods, and will describe in detail the research based couples counseling approach she is trained in and readily uses.  Couples counseling can be a safe place away from the demands of life to process feelings and experiences.  In a space free of judgement, couples identify destructive patterns they fall into and ways to circumvent these patterns.  Counseling may incorporate work on intimacy if this is desired by the partners.  Learning to communicate and feel heard by your partner is a large goal in couples counseling.  Will my insurance cover this kind of therapy?  Most of the time your insurance will tell you they do not cover marital or couples counseling.  Please don't let this discourage you.  Contact me and we will work to resolve this.  Telehealth services are available.


Family Therapy

To be successful, families need to work together like the way fingers must work while you are slipping on a glove.  Each finger has its own space, yet must coordinate with the others in order to find its way.  Frequently, families have one or more "fingers" that aren't collaborating or communicating.  Therapy can be a solution to getting everyone back to where they need to be.  In your house is there yelling?  Are there members of your family you are concerned about?  Come in and learn how to resolve the tension, communicate, and enjoy your time together as a family again.  Telehealth services are available.